“Formula el deseo intenso y concentrado de renacer en un reino puro o como ser humano, pero con el fin de proteger, cuidar y ayudar a los demás”
Del libro Tibetano de la Vida y la Muerte, escrito por Sogyal Rimpoché, nacido en Kham, Tíbet.
Hacía bastante tiempo que no hablábamos y, ayer miércoles, Chering Dolma me puso al día sobre un monje que conocí en el monasterio de Ganden Shartse, Mungod, en el sur de la India: Jangchup Shenphen. En aquel entonces, abril del dos mil nueve, tenía ocho años. Ahora tiene catorce, pero ahora está muy enfermo. Sus riñones casi han dejado de trabajar y necesita un trasplante. Tiene un donante, su padre, pero no tienen dinero. La ONG Phagma Drölma, que es de Donostia (Chering Dolma es una de las fundadoras), le ha costeado los gastos de los análisis de compatibilidad, pero se ha acabado el dinero.
Sé que no son buenos momentos, hay muchas carencias y necesidades, pero cuando se personaliza una necesidad los esfuerzos de la generosidad se muestran más poderosos.
La entrada al blog es un medio para dar a conocer este problema médico. Si no puedes hacer una donación, por favor, tómate el tiempo necesario para hacer que se extienda la noticia en la nube informática. Sé que tienes muchos amigos, y estos, a su vez, otros. Cuanta más gente se entere del problema médico, la posibilidad de ayudar económicamente a Jangchup crecerá. También es una buena ayuda la oración, su poder transciende cualquier espacio-tiempo conocido. Seguro que llegará al corazón de Jangchup.
Aquí tenéis los datos de la ONG. En el caso de querer acceder a más información, ellos os la darán con sumo gusto.
- Phagma DRÖLMA
- Tibetar Herriarekiko Elkartasunerako Elkartea
- Asociación para la Solidaridad con el Pueblo Tibetano
- Association for Solidarity for the Tibetan People
- Telf. +34 676 62 98 59
El Buddha nos dijo:
“Os he mostrado el camino a la liberación, ahora os toca a vosotros recorrerlo.”
Tashi Delek! Es en tibetano, quiere decir: ¡Dichosa Prosperidad!
I Need Your Help
“Make the intense and concentrated wish of being reborn in a pure kingdom or as a human being but with the purpose of protecting, caring and helping others”.
From the Tibetan book of “Living and Dying” written by Sogyal Rimpoché born in Kham, Tibet.
It was long time we did not get in touch. It was yesterday that Chering Dolma told me about a monk called Jangshup Shenphen who I met at the Ganden Shartse monastery on the southern part of India in Mungood. At the time, in April 2009, he was 8. However, now he is dangerously ill. His kidneys have nearly stopped and he needs them transplanted. He has got a donor, his father, but they don´t have money for it. The Phagma Drölma NGO which is located in Donostia together with Chering Dolma, one of the founders, have paid for the compatibility test. However, there is not any more money to continue the process.
I know that we are not facing good times as there are many needs around. However, when a need becomes personalized, the generosity efforts become stronger. The blog is a good place to spread this new and let everyone know about his health problem. If you cannot make a donation, please, help us spreading the announcement through the net. I know you have many friends that could be informed. As many people that get to know it will increase the possibility to help Jangchup. Praying is also a good help that goes beyond the known time and space zone. It will definitely reach Jangchups heart.
Please find summarized the NGO address in case you want to get more information. They will be pleased to talk to you.
From the Tibetan book of “Living and Dying” written by Sogyal Rimpoché born in Kham, Tibet.
It was long time we did not get in touch. It was yesterday that Chering Dolma told me about a monk called Jangshup Shenphen who I met at the Ganden Shartse monastery on the southern part of India in Mungood. At the time, in April 2009, he was 8. However, now he is dangerously ill. His kidneys have nearly stopped and he needs them transplanted. He has got a donor, his father, but they don´t have money for it. The Phagma Drölma NGO which is located in Donostia together with Chering Dolma, one of the founders, have paid for the compatibility test. However, there is not any more money to continue the process.
I know that we are not facing good times as there are many needs around. However, when a need becomes personalized, the generosity efforts become stronger. The blog is a good place to spread this new and let everyone know about his health problem. If you cannot make a donation, please, help us spreading the announcement through the net. I know you have many friends that could be informed. As many people that get to know it will increase the possibility to help Jangchup. Praying is also a good help that goes beyond the known time and space zone. It will definitely reach Jangchups heart.
Please find summarized the NGO address in case you want to get more information. They will be pleased to talk to you.
- Phagma DRÖLMA
- Tibetar Herriarekiko Elkartasunerako Elkartea
- Asociación para la Solidaridad con el Pueblo Tibetano
- Association for Solidarity for the Tibetan People
- Telf. +34 676 62 98 59
- drolma.elkartea@gmail.com
- www.phagmadrolma.org
I also give you the address for their web page in order to inform you how donations can be done. PAYPAL method is accepted which highly assures and accelerates the process.
Buddha said:
“I have shown you the way for liberation, you must go through it now.”
Tashi Delek! This in Tibetan language means: Blessed Prosperity!
“I have shown you the way for liberation, you must go through it now.”
Tashi Delek! This in Tibetan language means: Blessed Prosperity!
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